Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Link Between Internet And The Internet - 1847 Words

†¢ Connectivity considered as an important issue in unstable society. When we asked the participant about their opinion of the importance of connecting to the internet, the results revealed that 65% of the respondents from LSC-Sample felt that connecting to the internet is â€Å"Extremely Important†. Furthermore, some comments from the participants show the attitude of how important to be connected, â€Å"the internet is a life saver† as stated by one of the responses. Furthermore, â€Å"Under the current situation in Syria, the internet plays crucial roles in term of security and protection†. On the other hand the result from the second sample (RSC-Sample) revealed that 55% of the respondents also â€Å"Extremely Important†, â€Å"it is heart breaking not to be able to be in contact with the loved one inside Syria, it is also important to be able to download some important documents through the internet coming from Syria, as the host country demanding for† as suggested by one of the participants. Figure3: LSC-Sam ple type of access to the internet Connecting people who are living in unstable society play crucial roles in improve humanitarian services, such as Safety and security. From the RSC-Sample few responses revealed that they rely on the UNHCR published information related security and safety. Furthermore, it gives the chances for refugees and displaced people to be self-reliance. Some people highlighted through their comments about their online Jobs, where the work opportunity isShow MoreRelatedThe Link Between The Internet And London Underground1674 Words   |  7 Pagesand why the Internet distinctively differs from other ordinary kinds of networks; specifically, I will compare it to the London Underground system (reference to the network analysis of the 2005 London underground attack, Ferenc 2008. Therefore, in this essay I will analyze and discuss the extent to which the Internet is widely different to other networks; I will support my point using some leading scholar’s theories and experimental results. Before analyzing and comparing the Internet with LondonRead MoreThe Osi And Tcp Model1459 Words   |  6 Pagesthe reader a greater understanding about the OSI and TCP model. 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